Thursday 27 September 2012

Why would you not perceive it as release from your suffering to learn that you are free? To acclaim the truth, your truth, instead of looking upon it as the enemy? Why would you see a path that is so easy, so clearly marked that it is impossible to lose your direction, as thorny, boulder strewn and far too difficult to follow? Until you can realise you give up nothing where there is love, until yo
u realise where there is love there is no loss, you will always have regrets about the pathway you have chosen. You will not see the many gains your chosen pathway has offered to you. Even though you have allowed yourself to become blind to them, they are there. In your choice you have effected their cause. If their cause has been effected then they must be present. Open your eyes and particularly your heart to the miracles your chosen pathway will bring you. May your day be one full of miracles my friend.

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